By Noah Parks
While the circumstances are unique right now, we all have been in that untenable position of not knowing how to end a relationship with an employer. People leave because they have a better offer, are going back to school, or perhaps the company isn’t a good fit for them. Regardless of the reason make sure that you’re leaving on good terms that won’t affect your future employment. In my experience with HMG+ no one really ever leaves for good. We’ve had folks go years without working to spending 6 months with us working on events, EDR’s, and meetings. So, maintaining a healthy relationship with past employers will keep doors open for you no matter why you may have left the company. Finally, your reasons for leaving will be brought up in future interviews: it will show a lack of integrity if your story is different from your former employer’s.
The most common reasons you might hear someone complain about a job is often not enough of a reason to leave the job. That’s why you hear complaints for years that never amount to action: they aren’t good reasons to leave. Leaving because you disagree with management style, distribution of hours, or dislike the job itself are likely not something you’d tell your future employer during an interview. This would flag you as someone that isn’t going to be a team player which almost every career requires you to be. They could be excellent motivators however I recommend writing a letter of resignation with an explanation for your departure from the company. Even if you do not turn in a letter, you will feel confident in your answer to future employers for why you left your old job.
Making the decision to leave is not one that should be made lightly. The incentives to stay often are substantial but they don’t present themselves as often as the negatives of the job. Just because you had to work extra hours on the weekend or dislike the politics of your boss doesn’t outweigh the fact that rent is coming due, you need to pay for new clothes, or that when you’re ill you have paid time off. Being out of the job market can also lower the potential to be rehired since your skills haven’t been growing with whatever industry you’re applying to. These are just a few considerations to make before deciding to leave your job. Lastly, consider the community you’ll leave behind. HMG+ has a core value to build community within the company that leads to many opportunities to support each other’s aspirations outside of work. This community can often not be replaced nor can the culture be replicated.
There are lots of companies out there but just one you. So get your story straight. You should be prepared to answer honestly when the question inevitably comes, “So, why did you leave your old job?”. There should be a thoughtful explanation for your reasons for leaving the company. During Covid-19 this is especially true. Companies hiring will need to hear more than, “The Pandemic”, as an explanation for leaving so take care not to be glib or presumptuous with your answers. If there’s ever an opportunity to reset yourself in the workforce, this is the time to do it. You should be thorough and truthful for your reasons for leaving whether it’s a better opportunity, personal reasons, or a career change. If you’d like to prepare for your next interview, take a look at our article on “Interview Questions”!